Discover how some of Hollywood's biggest stars get in shape and look their best within weeks.
We'll reveal the tips and techniques of one of America's most sought-after diet and fitness experts.
Fill in the form to get the special report for free!

Here's what you will learn in this special report

How to create a plan that is sustainable and works quickly

How many meals you want to eat a day to boost your metabolism and burn fat

The 5 key factors to a fat burning workout you can do in less than 30 minutes a day
Discover the scientific breakthrough
that has become the secret weapon
on the war on fat!

Learn why carbs are ok
and which ones to choose

We’ll reveal why most diets leave you feeling hungry
and what to do about it
We’ll share links to helpful resources
and more…
About Me
Thanks for visiting my site!
My weight problems began in the late 90’s when I have
surgery to remove most of a badly damaged colon due to Crohns disease. Finally being able to eat without recurring
flare-ups, quitting a 10-year smoking habit, and being on steroids for a number
of months, resulted in a huge weight gain.
In the years since, I have lost and gained weight many
times, which I’ve since learned is quite a normal cycle. Like many people I wanted something easy,
effective, and fast – but found that anything I tried was either not healthy,
raised havoc with my sensitive intestinal track, and most importantly, never
The information in this e-book spells out why weight loss is
so difficult and what happens when we stop any diet – why we always gain
back the weight, and most times gain back more.
You’ll find, as I did, that it’s not due to having little or no
willpower, it’s not due to my stupidity around food, and it’s not due to not
exercising enough.
The information provided in the e-book, 7 Big Secrets to Losing
Weight, will help you to decide if the science, clinical studies, and research
that went into this is compelling enough to make you to make you want to learn
The best part is that you don’t have to do it alone. Check it out, take a good look at the
information, and when you’re ready, I’m here to help you get started.